Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Positive Attitude - Three Ways To Get On The Plus Side

When was the last time you had a good day? Can you remember? Was it yesterday? Last week? Three months ago? And what made it good? Was it because things went well, or just because you felt good about yourself?

We can’t always guarantee that things will go well, because the world is not in our control. But with a little effort we can guarantee that we feel good. Here are three simple steps to get yourself on the positive side each and every day.

Step #1 – Smile. When we feel good we smile – that’s obvious, but did you know that if you smile it makes you feel good in return? The very act of pulling our facial muscles into the position for smiling, and I do mean a proper smile, not just a twitch of the mouth, releases hormones which actually make us feel better? The body to brain connection is a two way street and we can send messages in both directions.

I find that combining the smile with an improved posture; straightening up, pulling back the shoulders and standing taller is a potent combination that instantly lifts my spirits.

Step #2 – Think the best possible thought. When I’m feeling worried or anxious about something, I know perfectly well that worries achieve nothing, but they can be difficult to dispel, so I have a favourite thought which I keep for just such an occasion.

I go back to a time a few years ago when I had to give an impromptu presentation to a large audience, which I wasn’t expecting. I was unprepared and very nervous, but fortunately it was on a subject I knew well.

At first I stumbled and hesitated but after a few minutes I could sense that the audience was willing me to succeed and I began to feel more confident. At the end of twenty minutes of non-stop presenting, I received thunderous applause and a room full of smiles. It was one of the most fulfilling moments of my life and I can still remember it vividly.

So when things are pressing down on me I simply remember that moment of triumph and all my troubles are put back in perspective.

Step #3. Help someone. Fears, worries and insecurities are inward looking and self-centred modes of thinking. One sure fire way of moving away from them is to focus externally, by carrying out a simple act of kindness for someone else.

Carry someone’s shopping, spare a moment to talk to someone alone, help a loved one with a difficult task or give a hand to a stranger. Whatever you do, make sure to do it with an open heart and no expectation of reward. Your reward will come from the good feelings you create within yourself.

So, next time anxiety or depression threatens simply stand up straight, smile, think your favourite thought and go find someone to help. I guarantee you’ll be living on the plus side in no time.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Creative Visualization - Part One From Imagination To Reality - Attracting Success With Mind Power

From Imagination To Reality - Attracting Success With Mind Power

Creative visualization is the ability to use the imagination, see images in our minds and make them come true. If we add concentration and feelings, it becomes a great creative power that makes things happen. Used in the right way, visualization can bring changes into our lives. The thought is the matrix or blueprint; the feelings provide the energy, the "electricity".

Sounds weird? Not at all!

This is the power of creative visualization। This is the power that can alter our environment and circumstances, cause events to happen, attract money, possessions, work and love, change habits and improve the health। It is a great mind power. It is the power behind every success.Imagine you have a genie at your disposal!

By visualizing an event, a situation, or an object, such as a car, a house, furniture etc, we attract it to us। We see in our imagination what we want and it happens. It is like daydreaming. It resembles magic, though actually there is no magic here. It is the natural process of the power of the thoughts.Some people use this power in an unconscious manner in their everyday affairs. They are not aware that they are using some sort of power. They visualize their goals in a positive way and attain success. All successful people in all fields use it consciously or unconsciously.

Creative Visualization and the Power of थौघ्ट्स

How does it work and why? Thought is a power and has its effect on the material world। Thoughts, if powerful enough, travel from one mind to another. If we keep thinking the same thought, people in our environment perceive it and act on it, furthering, usually in an unconscious manner, the materialization of our desires.

When I have to confront some unpleasant situation, I visualize myself handling the matter easily and comfortably। I see the involved people as cooperative and friendly. And you know what? They are pleasant, and they want to help without even being asked. It is so because people are responsive to our thoughts, feelings and behavior and react accordingly.

If you are naturally positive, then the way you approach and handle situations is such that attracts positive results। On the other hand, if you are fearful and negative, then you expect negative results, and behave, look, and talk accordingly. Then you reap troubles.

We are part of the Omnipotent Power that has created the universe; therefore we participate in the process of creation। Bearing this thought in mind, there is no wonder that thoughts materialize. Stop a moment and think. You are part of the great Universal Power! Whatever concentrated thought you entertain long enough in your mind tends to materialize.

Thought is energy। By having certain thoughts in our minds, and by concentrating on them and putting emotional energy into them, they become powerful. These thoughts induce some kind of pressure on the energy fields around us, causing them to move and act. The thoughts change the balance of energy around us, and in a natural way bring changes in the environment in accordance with them.There is another explanation why visualization brings results. It may come as a surprise to most, but the theory of "Maya" - Illusion, which comes from the eastern philosophies, provides the explanation.

According to the Indian philosophy "Advaita- Vedanta" which in the West is called "Nonduality", the world is just an illusion and is not real। Thoughts arise which "create" our world. We constantly think and rethink our habitual thoughts, thus creating and recreating the same kind of events or circumstances.This process reinforces our thoughts, which help to preserve the same "world" we believe live in. By changing the tape or film, that is by looking at a different scenario - different thoughts, we create a different "reality". For us it is a reality, though in fact it is just a dream we call "reality".

By changing our thoughts and mental pictures, we change our "Reality"; we change the "illusory" world we believe we live in। We are not employing magic or supernatural powers when creating and changing our life and circumstances। It is not something "Material" that we change; we only change our thoughts, which are the world.It is like dreaming a very realistic dream and then switching to a different dream. We are not awakening, just changing the dream. This explanation has to be read and reread and pondered upon in order to understand its full meaning. The other articles in this website may help you understand the philosophy involved here.

Rest assured that you can employ the power of visualization, even if you do not accept what you have just read or it seems too complicated or far-fetched। Yet, understanding and accepting the above, at least in theory, will help you achieve results faster.

So why not change your dreams to something more satisfying?

For example, you are living in small apartment and need a larger one। Instead of brooding about your fate, that you haven't enough money, and that you have to continue living in a small apartment, change your thoughts। That is all that is necessary।

See yourself in your imagination living in the apartment of your dreams. It does not matter if you haven't enough money. Just imagine yourself living in your "new" apartment and see it as a reality. The opportunity or way will present itself. The power of thoughts will work for you too.

Many books and articles have been written on the subject, and each new book or article opens to the reader a new viewpoint. Each book may mention something that the other did not. In order to understand the subject fully, it is advisable to read several books.

Overcoming Limited थिंकिंग

Creative visualization can do great things, but for every person there are some areas, which he may find hard to change, at least in the immediate future। This is a great power, but there are some limits to using it। These limits are within us, not in the power।Very often we limit ourselves and cannot look beyond a limited circle. We limit ourselves by our thoughts and beliefs. The wider we can look at the world and ourselves, the greater are our possibilities. Any limits are within our minds, and it is up to us to rise above them.

It may take some time until things start to change. Simple, small demonstrations of this power may come fast, but bigger results may need a longer time to happen.

The time and effort put forth in this study are really worthwhile। Have faith and patience and results will start अप्पारिंग

A Personal Example of Creative Visualization

Sometimes what we visualize materializes fast, at other times it may take longer। There are various reasons why this happens.

Years ago, before I got married, I decided to visualize a date। I imagined myself sitting in a restaurant and talking with a girl. I concentrated on this image several times during the day, several minutes each time.

The next day, a girl working in the same place where I worked, asked me if I could come to her desk। I hardly ever spoke with her, maybe just saying good morning. I went to her desk and she asked me whether I had a girl friend. When she heard that I did not have one, she proposed to introduce me to one of her girl friends.She gave me the phone number of the girl, whom I called the same day, asking her to meet me. We met and sat in a restaurant, exactly as I visualized. All this happened within about 24 hours. Surprising isn't it? This power can sometimes work real fast.

Oh, you are curious to know what happened with that girl? Well, nothing, because she was not the type of girl I was looking for. I rather used the power of visualization haphazardly, not thinking about the qualities, looks etc. I just thought about meeting a girl, a wish that came त्रुए.

थे अर्तिच्ले इस व्रित्तें ब्य by Remez Sasson

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Will Power and Self-Discipline

Will Power and Self-Discipline
By Remez Sasson

Sometimes, you wish to go for a walk, knowing how good it is for your health and how wonderful you feel afterwards, yet, you feel too lazy, and prefer to watch TV instead. You might be aware of the fact that you need to change your eating habits or stop smoking, yet, you don't have the inner power and persistence to change these habits.
Does this sound familiar? How many times have you told yourself, "I wish I had will power and self discipline"? How many times have you started to do something, only to quit after a short while? We all have had experiences like these.
Everyone possesses some addictions or habits they wish they could overcome, such as smoking, excessive eating, laziness, procrastination or lack of assertiveness. To overcome these habits or addictions, one needs to have will power and self discipline. They make a great difference in everyone's life, and bring inner strength, self mastery and decisiveness.
Definitions of Will Power and Self Discipline?
Will power is the ability to control unnecessary and harmful impulses. It is the ability to overcome laziness and procrastination. It is the ability to arrive to a decision and follow it with perseverance until its successful accomplishment. It is the inner power that overcomes the desire to indulge in unnecessary and useless habits, and the inner strength that overcomes inner emotional and mental resistance for taking action. It is one of the corner stones of success, both spiritual and material.
Self-discipline is the companion of will power. It endows the stamina to persevere in whatever one does. It bestows the ability to withstand hardships and difficulties, whether physical, emotional or mental. It grants the ability to reject immediate satisfaction for something better.
The human being is full of inner unconscious, or partly conscious, impulses. People sometimes say or do things they later regret saying or doing. On many occasions people do not think before they talk or act.
By developing these two powers, one becomes conscious of the inner subconscious impulses, and gains the ability to reject them when they are not for his/her own good.
Will power and self-discipline help us to choose our behavior and reactions instead of being their slaves. Don't think that life will become dull and dry in this way. On the contrary, you will feel more powerful, in charge of yourself and your surrounding, and consequently much more happy and satisfied.
How many times have you felt too weak, lazy or shy to do something you wanted to do? You can gain inner strength, initiative and the ability to make decisions and follow them. Believe me, it is not difficult to develop these two powers. If you are earnest and are willing to become stronger, you will certainly succeed.
In this article you will find some exercises and techniques for developing these abilities. These simple, but effective exercises can be performed everywhere, and at any time. Go slowly and gradually, and you will see how get stronger and your life improves.
There is a misconception in the public mind regarding will power. It is erroneously thought to be something strenuous and difficult, and that one has to exert and tense the body and mind when expressing it. It is a completely wrong concept. This is one of the reasons why people avoid using it, though they are conscious of its benefits. They acknowledge the fact that the employment of will power in their life and affairs will greatly help them, and that they need to strengthen it, yet they do nothing about it.
Will power gets stronger by holding back and not allowing the expression of unimportant, unnecessary and unhealthy thoughts, feelings, actions and reactions. If this saved energy is not allowed expression, it is stored inside you like a battery, and it becomes available at the time of need. By practicing appropriate exercises, you develop your powers the same way, as a person who trains the muscles in order to strengthen them.
Developing Will Power and Self Discipline
  • One way to develop and improve these abilities is to practice doing some disagreeable things in your daily life. Your mind and feelings will probably oppose doing them, nevertheless, do them. Let me explain. By doing something you do not like or are too lazy to do, you overcome your subconscious resistances, train your inner powers and gain inner strength. Muscles get stronger by resisting the power of the barbells. Inner strength is attained by overcoming inner resistance.

    Remember, strengthening one of these abilities, automatically strengthens the other one.
    Here are a few exercises:

    You are sitting in a bus or train and an old man or woman, or a pregnant lady walks in. Stand up and give up your seat even if you prefer to stay seated. Do this not just because it is polite, but because you are doing something that you are reluctant to do. In this way you are overcoming the resistance of your body, mind and feelings.
  • There are dishes in the sink that need washing, and you postpone washing them for latter. Get up and wash them now. Do not let your laziness overcome you. When you know that in this way you are developing your will power, and if you are convinced of the importance of will power in your life, it will be easier for you to do whatever you have to do.
  • You come home tired from work and sit in front of the T.V. because you feel too lazy and tired to go and wash yourself. Do not obey the desire to just sit, but go and have a shower
  • You may know your body needs some physical exercise, but instead you keep on sitting doing nothing or watching a movie. Get up and walk, run or do some other physical exercise.
  • Do you like your coffee with sugar? Then for a whole week decide to drink it without sugar. You like to drink three cups of coffee each day? For a week drink only two.
  • Overcome your laziness. Convince yourself of the importance of what is to be done. Convince your mind that you gain inner strength when you act and do things, in spite of laziness, reluctancy or senseless inner resistance.
  • Sometimes, when you want to say something that is not important, decide not to say it.
  • Don't read some unimportant gossip in the newspaper, even if you want to.
  • You have a desire to eat something not too healthy. Refuse the desire.
  • If you find yourself thinking unimportant, unnecessary, negative thoughts, try to develop lack of interest in them, by thinking about their futility.

Never say that you cannot follow the above exercises, because you certainly can. Be persistent no matter what. Motivate yourself by thinking about of the importance of performing the exercises, and the inner power and strength you will gain.

Trying to attempt too many exercises when you are still a beginner, might end in disappointment. It is better to start training yourself through easier exercises at first, and gradually increase the number and difficulty of the exercises. Practice will improve and increase your power, giving you a lot of satisfaction.

Most of these exercises can be practiced anywhere, anytime. You do not have to devote special times for them. Believe me, they are very effective. Practicing them enables you to be strong and exercise will power and self-discipline in everything you do. This power becomes available whenever needed.

If you practice weight lifting, running or doing aerobics you strengthen your body. When you need to move something heavy, you have the strength for it. By studying French each day, you will be able to talk French when you travel to France. The same thing happens with will power and self-discipline. By strengthening them, they become available whenever they are needed.
It is important to remember not to choose exercises that might affect adversely your body or health. Deny and give up what is not necessary, futile or is harmful, but not what is vital for your well being. Always use your reason and common sense, so that you do no damage to yourself.
If for the sake of an exercise, you stop doing something that you usually do, and overcome the inner resistance concerning it, you may resume doing it, if it is not harmful. For example, if you love drinking orange juice, and for the sake of an exercise you switch to drinking apple juice, after doing so for some time and after it makes no great difference for you, you may go back to drinking orange juice, if you still like it. The point here is to develop inner strength, not make life difficult for you and continue doing things you don't like to do.

Advantages of Possessing Strong Will Power and Self Discipline

You need both of them in order to rule your thoughts and to be the boss of your mind. The stronger they are, the more control you have over your thoughts, and consequently your powers of concentration get stronger.

When you are the master of your mind you enjoy inner peace and happiness. Outer events do not sway you, and circumstances have no power over your peace of mind. This might sound too unreal for you, but experience will prove to you that all the above is true.
These abilities are essential for self growth, spiritual growth and meditation. They give you control over your daily life, help you improve your habits and behavior, and they are the keys to every success.

Practice the exercises presented here earnestly and persistently, and you will go really far.

Monday, June 18, 2007

A to Z of Power of Positive Thinking

The Power of Negative Thinking
by Remez Sasson

For some reason, most people find it easier to think in a negative way than in a positive manner. It seems that some effort is needed to think positive thoughts, whereas negative thinking comes easily and uninvited. This has much to do with education and the environment one has been living in.

In order to understand how positive thinking works, and how to use it efficiently, it is important to understand the power of negative thinking.

If you have been brought up in a happy and positive atmosphere, where people value success and self-improvement, then it will be easier for you to think positively and expect success. If you have been brought up under poor or difficult situations, you will probably go on expecting difficulties and failure.

From an early age, people let outside influences shape their minds. They view everything through their predominant mental attitude. If their thoughts are positive, that is fine, but if they are negative, their lives and circumstances will probably mirror these thoughts.

If you believe that you are going to fail, you will unconsciously sabotage every opportunity to succeed. If you are afraid of meeting new people or having close relationships, you will do everything to avoid people and relationships, and then complain that you are lonely and nobody loves you.

Do you often think about difficulties, failure and disasters? Do you keep thinking about the negative news you have seen on the TV or read in the newspapers?

Do you see yourself stuck and unable to improve your life or your health? Do you frequently think that you do not deserve happiness or money, or that it is too difficult to get them? If you do, then you will close your mind, see no opportunities, and behave and react in such ways, as to repel people and opportunities. You let the power of negative thinking rule your life.

The mind does not usually judge or examine thoughts and opinions before accepting them. If what it hears, sees and reads is always negative, it accepts this as the standard way of thinking and behavior.

The media constantly bombards the mind with a lot of information about disasters, catastrophes, wars and other negative happenings. This information sinks into the subconscious mind, and let the power of negative thinking grow. By occupying the mind with negative thoughts and expectations one radiate negative energy into the surrounding world, thus creating and recreating more negativity, failures and disasters.

The mind can be directed towards positive thinking or negative thinking. The power of thoughts is a neutral power. The way one thinks determines whether the results are positive and beneficial or negative and harmful. It is the same of energy acting in different ways.

Persistent inner work can change habits of thoughts. You must be willing to put energy and time to avoid negative thinking and pursue positive thinking, in order to change your mental attitude.
Every time you catch yourself thinking a negative thought, change it into a positive one.If you catch yourself visualizing failure, switch to visualizing success.If you hear yourself repeating negative words, switch to positive ones.If you hear yourself saying, "I cannot", say to yourself, "I can".Do you repeat useless and unnecessary negative words and phrases in your mind? Change them to positive ones.

Open your mind to positive attitude, happenings and events. Expect them and think about them, and soon you life will change for the better.

Decide that from today, from this very moment, you are leaving negative thinking behind, and starting on the way towards positive thinking and behavior. It is never too late. Soon your life will turn into a fascinating, wonderful journey.

© Copyright Remez Sasson
Remez Sasson teaches and writes on positive thinking, creative visualization, motivation, self-improvement, peace of mind, spiritual growth and meditation. He is the author of several books, among which are "Peace of mind in Daily Life", "Will Power and Self Discipline", "Visualize and Achieve" and "Affirmations - Words of Power". Visit his website and find articles and books filled with inspiration, motivation and practical advice and guidance.